Change management is more than a term to describe the process of making adjustments within a company. When done well, it is a process that can lead to outstanding results, lower risk, and better outcomes for companies. It doesn’t have to be complicated. However, it must be done in such a way as to ensure the best full view of the problem and the best solution. So, what is change management?

What Is Change Management in Business?

Change management is the overseeing and facilitating of significant change within an organization. The management team must decide how to properly address and plan for change, developing a comprehensive process for doing so. They then implement that process and manage it from start to completion, assuring success and adjusting to challenges.

When Does a Company Need Change Management?

There are two common scenarios in which change management is a necessary, beneficial investment.

1) A New Project or Process

One of the most common instances in which change management is necessary occurs when the company plans to implement a new project or process into current operations. In doing so, they want all employees and stakeholders on board with the change. This could include massive changes in operations or more minor procedural changes. The key is that the adjustments will impact business operations. Most businesses will go through this process at least once.

2) Acquisition or Mergers

A merger or acquisition changes the game for most companies. This is often a very significant adjustment for all stakeholders and employees. What is change management able to do in this case? Typically, this type of adjustment carries tension and stress with it. Integrating two workforces can mean that many jobs must adjust to new procedures and expectations. Managing this process properly may help to preserve top talent, outline organizational expectations, and help the company move through this process with less strife.

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How Do You Know You Need Change Management?

It’s not always simple to know when to invest in specialized change management support and when to make a few new rules and hope your team follows. Consider the following questions when deciding:

  • What is changing?
  • Why is that changing?
  • What are the implications if the change does not succeed?
  • What is the impact on the employees when this change occurs?
  • What is the impact on the day-to-day operations of the business due to the change?
  • Is the business set up to manage a change of this size, or could it cause frustrations within the workforce?

In many organizations, the goal goes further than implementing rules or changes. They want to explain, educate, and support the people from upper management down who will have some type of impact as a result of this adjustment.

Many people have an aversion to change. Just changing their habits can be a challenge. It’s easier to keep doing things as usual. That occurs whether they get a new manager or the company sells to an investor. By creating the right change mindset from the start, it’s possible to circumvent the negative and achieve more of the desired outcome without as many risks.

Consider the forces for change within your organization that can create stress that may make the investment in change management wise:

  • Government changes are typically critical, as not following these could lead to costly fines or other risks.
  • Social or political events within the organization or from outside the organization that impact the employees of the company can warrant a more delicate process of change.
  • New technology or procedures that require new training or new employee expectations are often best managed with a more hands-on approach.
  • Capturing market opportunities and organizational growth can be essential for a company to continue to operate, making overseeing the transition critical.
  • There are other pain points that could impact the employees, management, or leadership that must receive sensitive handling.

How Does Change Management Start?

Every situation requires a carefully created plan to address the underlying concerns and to create a roadmap for following through. There are often several core components of this process:

  1. Prepare the organization and team for the change. Communicate the details of what may occur and when.
  2. Create a vision for the ideal outcome and make a plan for putting it in place.
  3. Implement the changes and monitor conditions.
  4. Embed changes within the culture and practices of the organization to support the ongoing changes and adjustments.
  5. Review the progress over time and adjust as needed.

A leader’s attitude affects everyone. To ensure the best long-term outcome, ensure your leadership team has the strategies in place to facilitate success.

Find the Help You Need to Facilitate a Better Outcome

Without a doubt, change management often impacts the bottom line and long-term success of companies. Getting it right matters to most organizations. As a result, it’s best to hire a team who can guide and support you through that process. Contact The Eighth Mile Consulting today to discuss your options and to support your growth through these changes.

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Evan is a Director of Eighth Mile Consulting, specialising in leadership, operational planning, company structures, change management and communications. Evan has 17 years of leadership experience across military combat operations, program and project management delivery at Ernst & Young (EY) and business acquisitions and leadership for Private Equity.

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