This article is the second in a six-part series on the team life cycle.

The team life cycle is a concept that provides valuable insights into the dynamics and progression of teams. As leaders, it is crucial for us to grasp the different stages of this cycle and navigate them effectively.

What is the Forming Stage?

The Forming Stage marks the initial phase of a team’s journey. It is a time when individuals are brought together, and the team begins to establish its purpose and goals. During this stage, it is not uncommon for team members to experience a mix of excitement and uncertainty about what lies ahead. As leaders, our role is to guide them through this formative period and set the stage for a successful team.

Key Considerations for Leaders during the Forming Stage

To foster a positive and productive environment during the Forming Stage, leaders should focus on the following aspects:

  1. Clear Communication: Effective communication is paramount at this stage. We must clearly articulate the team’s goals and objectives, ensuring that every team member understands their role and responsibilities. By providing a shared vision, we can align our team’s efforts toward a common purpose.
  2. Encouraging Collaboration: The Forming Stage is an opportune time for team members to share their ideas, expectations, and concerns. Encouraging open dialogue and active participation can foster a sense of ownership and engagement within the team. By valuing diverse perspectives, we lay the foundation for innovative thinking and problem-solving.
  3. Building Trust: Trust is the bedrock of any successful team. During the Forming Stage, leaders should promote trust-building activities and create a safe space for individuals to express their thoughts. By fostering an environment of psychological safety, we empower team members to take risks and contribute fully.
  4. Clarifying Roles and Goals: Roles and goals are essential in any team. Each member has a specific role that helps move the team closer to its overall objective. The roles and goals can vary depending on the nature of the team, the industry they’re in, and the project they’re working on. Each role is equally important, and all team members must understand their roles, as well as common goals and how meeting these goals contributes to the team’s success.

The Path Forward: Progressing through the Team Life Cycle

While the Forming Stage sets the groundwork for team collaboration, it is essential to recognize that it is just the beginning. The subsequent stages—Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning—each present unique challenges and opportunities for growth. As leaders, our continuous support and guidance throughout the team life cycle are instrumental in achieving sustainable success.


Leadership during the Forming Stage is critical for laying a strong foundation for team success. By fostering clear communication, encouraging collaboration, building trust, and clarifying roles and goals, we create an environment conducive to growth and high performance. Understanding the team life cycle equips us with the necessary insights to navigate the various stages and empower our teams to reach their full potential. Embracing this knowledge will enable us to lead with confidence and guide our teams toward a more productive and successful future.

Evan is a Director of Eighth Mile Consulting, specialising in leadership, operational planning, company structures, change management and communications. Evan has 17 years of leadership experience across military combat operations, program and project management delivery at Ernst & Young (EY) and business acquisitions and leadership for Private Equity.

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