What is adjourning?

This article is the final in a six-part series on the team life cycle.

The Adjourning Stage: Celebrating Achievements and Transitioning in the Team Life Cycle

As leaders, we must navigate our teams through every stage of the team life cycle, including the final phase: the Adjourning Stage. This stage represents the completion of the team’s objectives and the disbandment of the team. It is a time for reflection, celebration, and preparing for new beginnings.

What is the Adjourning Stage in the Team Life Cycle?

The Adjourning Stage is the fifth and final phase of the team life cycle. It occurs when the team has fulfilled its purpose or when team members move on to other projects or roles. During this stage, the team reflects on its achievements, acknowledges individual contributions, and prepares for the next chapter.

Key Characteristics of the Adjourning Stage

Several key characteristics define the Adjourning Stage:

  1. Reflection and Celebration: The Adjourning Stage is a time for the team to reflect on its journey, celebrate accomplishments, and acknowledge the collective efforts that contributed to its success. It is an opportunity to express gratitude and recognize the valuable contributions of each team member.
  2. Transition and Closure: Team members prepare for transition, whether it involves moving on to new projects or parting ways with teammates. It is important to provide closure, honor the team’s achievements, and ensure that individuals are well-prepared for their next steps.
  3. Knowledge Transfer and Lessons Learned: The Adjourning Stage is an ideal time for knowledge transfer and sharing lessons learned. Team members can document best practices, capture valuable insights, and share them with others who may benefit from the team’s experiences.

Strategies for Leaders during the Adjourning Stage

To facilitate a smooth transition and honor the team’s accomplishments during the Adjourning Stage, leaders can employ the following strategies:

  1. Recognition and Appreciation: Recognize the team’s achievements and express appreciation for each team member’s contributions. Celebrate milestones, successes, and the growth that the team has achieved together. This recognition reinforces a positive team culture and fosters a sense of fulfillment.
  2. Closure and Reflection: Provide opportunities for the team to reflect on their journey, share personal reflections, and express any thoughts or emotions associated with the team’s disbandment. Encourage open and honest communication, allowing team members to process their feelings and gain closure.
  3. Knowledge Sharing and Documentation: Encourage team members to share their knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned. Documenting key insights and experiences can benefit future teams and contribute to organizational learning. This ensures that the team’s legacy and valuable knowledge are preserved.
  4. Supporting Transitions: Assist team members in their transition to new projects or roles. Offer guidance, resources, and support during this period of change. Ensure that individuals have clarity about their next steps and provide opportunities for them to leverage their skills and experiences in their new endeavors.

Embracing the Team Life Cycle Journey: From Adjourning to New Beginnings

The Adjourning Stage is a natural part of the team life cycle, signaling the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. It provides an opportunity for reflection, celebration, and growth. As leaders, we play a critical role in ensuring a smooth transition and supporting team members as they embark on new journeys.

By embracing the Adjourning Stage with grace and intention, leaders can create a positive and empowering experience for their teams. Celebrate achievements, capture valuable insights, and foster a culture of gratitude and appreciation. This not only honors the team’s legacy but also sets the stage for future success.

Conclusion: Honoring Accomplishments and Embracing New Beginnings

In the dynamic journey of the team life cycle, the Adjourning Stage represents a time of reflection, celebration, and transition. By recognizing and appreciating the team’s achievements, fostering knowledge sharing, and supporting individual transitions, leaders can ensure a smooth and meaningful closure to the team’s journey.

Embrace the Adjourning Stage as an opportunity to honor the team’s accomplishments, foster a sense of closure, and prepare for new beginnings. By navigating this stage with care and intention, leaders can set the foundation for future teams’ success and create a culture of growth and resilience.

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Evan is a Director of Eighth Mile Consulting, specialising in leadership, operational planning, company structures, change management and communications. Evan has 17 years of leadership experience across military combat operations, program and project management delivery at Ernst & Young (EY) and business acquisitions and leadership for Private Equity.

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