
A few weeks ago I saw a comment from David Goggins which read:

A quote from David Goggins: “It is easy to become great these days because everyone else is so weak. If you have any mental toughness, if you have any fraction of self-discipline; The ability to not want to do it, but still do it; If you can get through to doing things that you hate to do: on the other side is GREATNESS."

It’s a brutal comment that doesn’t pull any punches. I’ll admit that my first temptation was to get a little defensive. “What a jerk. What does he know?” But, after the initial reaction faded, I managed to swallow my ego and explore this a little further.

I think it’s valuable to speak about workplace mental health more thoroughly and with more care.

As a society, we talk a big game regarding resilience, toughness, grit, and “rising with the tide.” Yet, we don’t always translate that into action.

What Search Patterns Suggest About Employees and Mental Health


To get a better idea of workplace mental health, I took a look at search data. Since 2004, this is what I’ve found:

  • The number of searches for the term “workplace mental health” spiked in 2004, then came down, and has been gradually increasing
  • Search numbers for “mental health” have incrementally risen over the last 8 years
  • Search numbers for “resilience” have increased since 2004, with a peak in October 2020, a small drop, and then a continued increase
  • Search numbers for “safe spaces” have remained fairly steady over time over time with occasional spikes (most notably around 2015/16) and a large spike in December 2019
  • Searches for “discipline” have decreased over time, with a slight increase beginning in January 2022
  • Searches for “self-discipline” had been relatively stable since 2005, with an increase in searches since October 2021.

It’s valuable to see how this applies to various areas of mental health in the workplace.

An Awareness of Workplace Mental Health Importance

Based on these results, we can see that people recognize the value of mental health, and mental health in the workplace by extension. That indicates that a lack of mental health resilience is not due to a lack of awareness.

The Confusion of Resilience with Safety

The searches above suggest that many people believe there is a link between resilience and safety. However, this is a misconception.

Resilience can be considered a person’s ability to recover from some type of adverse situation. The term safety, by comparison, means living free from any risk of injury, danger, or loss. To put it another way: resilience is a response to adversity, while safety is an avoidance of it.

A Concern for Self-Discipline

As we consider the importance of mental health, there’s also a need to think about self-discipline. Since the changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, people seem to be chasing safety but have not necessarily worked concurrently to improve their personal strength of character. It is plausible to believe that the pandemic’s prompting of isolation, attacks on social norms, and forcible changes in environments forced people back to the drawing board.

That could indicate that people are not set up for disaster because they’ve lowered their guard.

Mental Health and Learned Helplessness

Consider learned helplessness. When animals are subjected to repeated stresses that are out of their control, they give up and “take what’s coming,” even after they are removed from that situation.

Martin E.P. Seligman, PhD and Steven F. Maier, PhD creates a study called “Learned Helplessness” in 1972 through the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.

The study was on a group of dogs, where one set has a lever to stop shocks while the other does not. When moved to an area allowing them to avoid the shocks, one group moved out of the way to do so, while the second group, the group that didn’t have the lever, laid down and whined.

This shows that, when one is in a situation where they lack control over negative stimuli, they not only suffer mentally, but they can continue to perceive a lack of control once their situation has changed, thus leading to learned helplessness.

Given the world situations of recent years, there’s been a lot of big stressors that seem too big for an individual to contend with. This could account for the spike in suicides, especially among younger generations. In the U.S., for example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that suicide was the 12th leading cause of death in the USA in 2020. It accounted for the loss of 45,900 lives.

How to Improve the Mental Health of Your Workplace

Workplace mental health is an invaluable tool, and the status of it in your office cannot be avoided. How can we build this into our day-to-day work life?

Controlled Non-Avoidance

In a workplace where a diverse group of people works together, adversity and conflict are inevitable. Rather than running and hiding, you embrace it. Make sure to give the parties involved control over the outcome they have. This can directly impact workplace mental health.

The Safety of Strength

Instead of building an isolated fortress to hide inside, we should expose ourselves to uncomfortable or unfamiliar, but not untenable, situations that help us build our inner strength. Sit down with employees and have a frank, honest conversation about workplace satisfaction. Encourage them to be open and honest. It will be uncomfortable, but if everyone approaches it with the goal of building personal strength, everyone will find some benefit from it. That betters workplace mental health.

The Push and Pull of Motivation and Self-Discipline

Motivation is our thirst to achieve something. The end result is often some type of reward or benefit. It’s a North Star, pulling us in a given direction.

But motivation wanes over time. When motivation gets tired of driving, that’s when self-discipline takes over. Self-discipline links us to powerful drivers like ego, character, reputation, and personal values. I can recall many times during my military days when my motivation had all but dwindled, but self-discipline begrudgingly kept me going, along with the desire not to let myself or my team down.

Most people aren’t going to be motivated about everything they do, and that’s okay–as long as they are disciplined enough to keep moving forward.


What I can say with absolute assurance is that this investigation has shifted perspectives on workplace mental health. Perhaps I will conduct more research about how personal strength and self-discipline can be refined and incorporated, including their role in workplace mental health. If this prompted one person to do the same thing, then it’s successful.

As a business leader, it’s critical to foster a sense of learning and growth. Check out our online courses at The Eighth Mile to learn more about how to improve the mental health of your workplace.

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut, feeling like you’re just going through the motions of your daily routine without any real purpose or direction? It’s a common feeling, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent state. In fact, knowing how to change habits by reinventing your habits can help you create a new and improved version of yourself that’s more in line with your goals and values.

But can you learn how to change your habits? It all starts with a willingness to change and a desire to improve. From there, you can follow these steps:

  • Identify the habits you want to change
  • Set specific and achievable goals
  • Make a plan
  • Be consistent
  • Stay flexible
  • Celebrate your progress

This is Part 2 in our 4-part Reinvent Yourself series.

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How to Change Habits by Evaluating Your Habits

Changing habits can be challenging, but it’s possible with the right mindset and approach. The first thing you must do is evaluate your current habits and determine whether they’re helping you or not.

Are Your Habits Helpful?

How do your habits influence your life? Here are a few ways to determine if your habits are helping you:

  • Aligning with your values and goals: If a habit doesn’t align with your values and goals, it’s not helping you.
  • Consider the consequences: Does it positively or negatively impact your life? If the habit has a negative impact, it’s likely not helping you.
  • Pay attention to how you feel: If a habit makes you feel good, it might help you. If it makes you feel stressed or anxious, it’s probably one you’ll want to change.
  • Evaluate your progress: If you’re making progress and feel good about your direction, your habits are likely helping you. If you’re not making progress or feel stuck, it might be time to learn how to change your habits.

Whether a habit helps you depends on your individual goals and values. It’s important to regularly evaluate your habits and make adjustments to ensure they’re supporting you on your path to success.

Making A Habit (Almost) Involuntary

Habits become almost involuntary through a process called habit formation, which occurs when behavior becomes automatic and no longer requires conscious thought. This process happens through repetition and reinforcement.

  • Repetition: When you engage in a behavior repeatedly, your brain begins to create neural pathways that make it easier to perform that behavior. The more you repeat a behavior, the stronger these pathways become, and the more automatic the behavior becomes.
  • Reinforcement: Reinforcement occurs when you’re rewarded for engaging in a behavior. The more you’re reinforced for engaging in a behavior, the more likely it is to become a habit.

Eventually, the behavior becomes so ingrained that it becomes almost — but not completely — involuntary.

You can turn good habits into almost involuntary behaviors by consistently practicing good habits and reinforcing them with rewards. New habits can replace old ones that aren’t supporting you and your goals.

Reinforcing Positive Habits

You can use several strategies to reinforce positive habits:

  • Stay motivated with achievable goals: Setting achievable goals can help you stay motivated and focused on your positive habits. Make sure to break your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps to make the process easier.
  • Celebrate your progress: Take time to celebrate your progress as you work to establish your positive habits. This could be as simple as treating yourself to something you enjoy or sharing your progress with a friend or family member.
  • Find accountability: Consider enlisting the help of a friend or family member to hold you accountable and encourage you while learning how to change habits and establish new, positive habits.
  • Use rewards: When you reach a desired outcome or milestone, reward yourself with a special treat, a little extra free time, or a special outing.
  • Track your progress: Tracking your progress can help you see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve improved. Consider using a journal, app, or spreadsheet to track your progress.

By consistently reinforcing your positive habits, you can make them more automatic and ingrained in your daily routine.

How to Change Habits By Addressing The Bad Ones

Breaking the cycle of bad habits can be an even bigger challenge than establishing good ones, but it’s possible with the right mindset and approach. Here are some strategies you can use to address and break the bad habit cycle by learning how to change habits:

  • Identify the triggers: Certain environmental cues or stimuli often trigger habits. Identifying the triggers for your habits can help you understand what prompts you to engage in that behavior. Once you know the triggers, you can try to modify them or find ways to avoid them.
  • Seek support: Changing habits can be easier when you have the support of others. Consider enlisting the help of a friend or family member to help you stay on track or seek guidance from a professional, such as a coach or therapist.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to breaking bad habits. Make an effort to practice your new habit every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time.
  • Practice self-compassion: It’s important to be patient with yourself while you’re learning how to change habits and remember that changing takes time and effort. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up or have a setback. Instead, focus on the progress you’ve made and be kind to yourself as you work to break the cycle of bad habits.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to change habits can be a difficult process, but it’s also a rewarding one. By making small, consistent changes, you can create a new and improved version of yourself that aligns with your goals and values.

Learn how to change habits and start reinventing yourself today with the Eighth Mile. Enroll in the Reinvent Yourself course and see the amazing transformation you can make in your life.

Want to achieve your full potential?

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