
A frustrating day on the job can leave you wondering why things are so difficult. You might even wonder if you’re causing your own problems. Do you ever ask yourself, “Do I self-sabotage? Do I put myself in situations where I’m set up for failure?”

Self-sabotage is common, and for some, it’s a behavior and habit that’s hard to ignore, especially when it contributes to not achieving your goals or enjoying a happy, healthy lifestyle.

What Is Self-Sabotage?

You may realize you’re playing a part in your frustration or lack of progress, but you don’t have a name for it. Self-sabotage occurs when you create an obstacle that impacts your ability to reach a goal you’ve set. Some of the most common behaviors that could be classified as self-sabotage include:

  • Self-medication using alcohol or drugs
  • Procrastinating to accomplish tasks
  • Self-injury
  • Comfort eating
  • Making projects or tasks more complicated than they should be
  • Not taking action right away

Many people don’t recognize self-sabotaging behavior in themselves. But you may see the connection between your actions and behavior and the outcome over time. You might think, “If only I would have done it this way” or “I have to stop this!”


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Signs of Self-Sabotage: What Are They and How to Spot Them

Recognizing potential signs of self-sabotage can help you make better choices. If you’re actually engaging in self-sabotaging behavior, you can learn how to make changes to minimize negative outcomes. Here are some of the most common signs of self-sabotage:

Walking Away From a Problem

Some people become frustrated and give up instead of trying to determine what went wrong. This often means all the effort you put into a project is wasted. Look back on what happened. Did you put in the effort and follow the plan? Doubts about your ability could be a core reason you’re so willing to walk away instead of working on a solution.

Negative Self-Talk

One of the most common signs of self-sabotage is how you talk about yourself or the words you use when thinking about yourself. For example, statements such as “I don’t deserve this” or “I’m so stupid” often indicate a lack of faith and confidence.

Blaming Others

Quite commonly, people who self-sabotage blame others for what went wrong. It could be no one’s fault, but those who engage in this type of behavior often find someone to blame. Not being able to recognize your role in the situation and make healthier, better decisions in the future just repeats the pattern of poor outcomes.


Putting things off until the last minute is a type of self-sabotage. You might push a task or project to the side and look for other things that seem more important, or you may reach for anything as a distraction to avoid a difficult decision. Procrastination can be a sign of stress or worry, but it may also be a sign of doubting your ability or being unable to manage time wisely. Self-discipline isn’t an inborn trait; it’s a learned skill.

Boredom and Lack of Focus

In some situations, self-sabotage occurs for a very simple reason: You’re bored. You don’t like what you’re doing, it’s not intellectually or emotionally stimulating, and you can’t focus on it. It could be that you find someone on your team annoying. Maybe they’re pushing your buttons or not contributing, or maybe the task is just dull and boring. Regardless, not getting it done often means you’re self-sabotaging because you won’t finish the job or do it well.

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging

If you recognize any of these signs of self-sabotage, take a step back. You can fix this, and you can learn to master your ability to work through difficult situations to create a better outcome. Consider these strategies:

Stop Criticizing Yourself

Self-criticism doesn’t have an easy fix, but it’s critical to minimize it if you want to reach your long-term goals. Instead of saying or thinking negative things, spin them around into something good. You may want to say, “I am so bad at this.” Instead, say, “I don’t have the skills yet, but I’ll figure it out.”

Get More Confidence Through Education

In some cases, you’re unable to reach a goal because you lack the skills. Change that. Find a way to increase your skills, such as through a leadership course, or invest in a program that focuses on building confidence.

Master Procrastination-Busting Skills

It’s easier said than done, especially when your mind is going in numerous directions at one time. But stopping self-sabotage is all about becoming self-aware. When you notice yourself becoming distracted, stop, reflect, and get back on track. Use timers to help you zone in for a specific period to accomplish tasks. Stop thinking about what you have to do and force yourself to do it. It is possible to change your habits.

Build Confidence in Yourself

Imposter syndrome, as defined by Psychology Today, is often a form of self-sabotage. It’s the feeling that you can’t possibly do the job that only other people do, or that you’re a fake, a pretender. When you don’t feel the confidence to complete the project, manage the team, or run the business, ask yourself why. Do you need more training and development? Do you have evidence of past success that should spur confidence in your ability now? Remind yourself every day of what you’ve already accomplished.

Invest in Yourself to Overcome Limitations

Ask yourself this question and jot down the answer. “Do I self-sabotage?” If you’re setting yourself up for failure, identify the specific behaviors and change them for the better.

At The Eighth Mile, we offer solutions to help you reinvent yourself and achieve a better outcome. If you’re self-sabotaging, isn’t it about time to try something different? Reach out to us today and learn more about your best path forward.

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Leaders face monumental amounts of pressure every single day. Whether it’s the pressure of making important decisions, managing a team, or dealing with difficult conversations and situations, leaders must stay calm under pressure to succeed and keep the business moving forward.

Fortunately, there are some strategies that leaders can use to help stay calm under pressure when things get tough.

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The Key Mentality of Calm Leaders

The first step in developing a calm mindset is to recognize the mental difference between those who remain calm and those who don’t.

Those who take time to practice their ability to remain calm, even under intense pressure, become better equipped to deal with challenging situations. Leaders must learn to manage their emotions and think objectively about the situation before reacting negatively. This will help them stay calm under pressure and make the best decision for their team.

Leading with Stress vs. Leading with Calm

Let’s take a look at a couple of scenarios.

Tom is the CEO of a large international company. He has to make snap decisions daily and is constantly under pressure to deliver results. As the situation intensifies, he often becomes flustered and overwhelmed. His thoughts start running wild, and he starts to second-guess himself and his decisions. This often leads him to make mistakes, which in turn leads to more impulsive decisions that can be costly for the business in the long run.

On the other hand, Sandra is also a CEO of an international company, but she takes a much different approach to pressure-filled situations. She can stay focused and calm under pressure by taking a few deep breaths and gathering her thoughts before acting. She listens carefully to her employees and considers all the facts. Then, she takes responsibility for her choices and works hard to make sure her team is prepared for quick shifts in project direction. This approach allows her to make more informed decisions that often result in better outcomes for everyone.

Tom and Sandra both face the same amount of pressure, yet they react differently. So what sets them apart? Why can one stay calm under pressure while the other struggles?

Tom allows his emotions to take over in intense situations, while Sandra takes a step back and assesses the situation from multiple angles before reacting. As a result, she maintains a reputation of being one who stays focused and calm by thinking logically and objectively about the problem instead of allowing her emotions to take control.

3 Strategies Leaders Can Implement To Stay Calm Under Pressure

Now that we understand the difference between leaders who keep their cool and those who don’t, let’s look at some strategies that can help leaders stay level-headed in tough situations.

1) Take a Beat

When things get intense or overwhelming, it can be tempting to act quickly. That, however, can lead to mistakes. Instead, pause and take a few deep breaths to clear your head. This will help you stay focused and provide the clarity you will need in the steps ahead.

2) Think Logically

When faced with difficult situations, it is important to take the time to think logically and objectively in order to make informed decisions so you can stay calm under pressure. Here are some practical tips on how to think logically when the stakes are high:
  • Look at the Big Picture. It can be easy to become overwhelmed when faced with intense pressure, but it is important to take a step back and assess the situation.
  • Gather All the Facts. Make sure to gather all the information necessary before making any decisions. This will help you form a more objective view of the situation and make better-informed decisions.
  • Consider Multiple Solutions. Take some time to consider different angles and solutions for the problem. It is important to keep an open mind and evaluate all the options before choosing the best one.
  • Take Responsibility. Be prepared to take full accountability for your decisions. This will provide perspective on the decision in front of you and help guide you to the wisest choice.
  • Seek Support. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. Utilize the resources and knowledge of others in order to come up with a better solution and stay calm under pressure.

3) Develop Self-Awareness

The best way to stay calm under pressure is to be aware of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in any given situation. Knowing how you react when things get tough can help you develop strategies that will help keep you grounded and focused. To help develop self-awareness, you could:
  • Make a list of the emotions you feel in pressure-filled situations.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and how they influence your actions.
  • Notice your physical reactions (e.g., heart rate, breathing) when under pressure.
  • Be aware of any tendencies you have to overreact or shut down in difficult situations.
  • Reflect on how you handled past pressure-filled situations to identify any patterns or trends.

By utilizing these strategies, leaders can learn to stay calm under pressure and make better team decisions. Remember, it’s important to take the time to practice your ability to remain level-headed in challenging situations so that you can be well-prepared when the pressure is on.

Training Your Mind For Calm in Business and Calm in Life

Once you understand the mental difference between those who stay calm under pressure and those who don’t, it’s important to train your mind to stay calm. This can be done through mindfulness exercises like meditation and journaling that allow you to practice self-awareness, regulate emotions, and remain focused on the situation.

Exploring Positive Self Talk

To develop a calm mindset, leaders need to practice positive self-talk. This can be done by challenging negative thoughts about themselves and the situation with more positivity. For example, if a leader feels overwhelmed by the situation, they can tell themselves, “I can handle this,” or, “I am capable of finding a solution,” to help stay focused on the task at hand.

Practices for Relaxation

Another method of coping with pressure is to practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness. Deep breathing can help to slow down the heart rate and reduce stress levels. Meditation can help increase focus and clarity.  Both of these options help one to stay calm under pressure. Mindfulness practice is another way for leaders to bring their attention to the present moment rather than worrying about what has happened or will happen in the future.

Managing Distractions

It can be difficult for leaders to stay focused when there are so many distractions. To truly stay calm during overwhelming situations, leaders must manage their environment to avoid distractions and stay on task. This could include limiting access to certain websites or putting the phone away while working on important tasks.

Planning Ahead

In order to stay calm under pressure, Leaders should also plan as much as possible. By having a plan of action, they can better anticipate potential challenges and create strategies that help them remain calm when things don’t go according to plan. This will also help leaders be more prepared and confident in their decisions.

Seeking Support

Finally, leaders need to remember that they don’t have to be alone in dealing with the pressures of their job. They can reach out to colleagues and mentors for guidance or to talk things through. A support system can help leaders stay level-headed and focused when facing difficult situations.

In Conclusion

Being able to stay calm under pressure is a key skill for any leader. By understanding how your mind works and developing strategies to help you stay in control, you can make better decisions that will benefit the team. With practice and self-awareness, leaders can learn to manage stress and remain focused on the task. That way, you can be more prepared and confident when the pressure is on.

For more ways to learn about the most innovative leadership techniques of the day, check out our 8-week online leadership training course or get in touch with the Eighth Mile team to learn more.

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