
Hear the phrase “tactical decision-making” and your first instinct is probably to frame it in terms of its strategic counterpart. This is not an article about strategy, but there is an important habit we need to bring with us from setting strategy when we think about tactics: thinking. No one reading this would let strategy decide itself or claim that strategy emerges from reacting to crises. Management by exception has its place, but it won’t set your strategy for you. Neither, more to the point, is it appropriate to let our reflexive reactions to events dictate our tactics.

What Is Tactical Decision-Making?

Put simply, tactical decision-making is thinking through your day-to-day operations, with an emphasis on taking responsibility and control over improving the way you and your team get things done.

Tactical decision-making is easier to understand in terms of what it is not. If you are running on autopilot, spectating your metrics, or responding reflexively to events, you are not engaging in tactical decision-making.

Running on Autopilot

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds …” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Running on autopilot” is doing what you did because it is what you have done. Maybe you looked at your metrics first, or you see that your customers and team are happy, or perhaps you’ve thought through what you’re doing extremely well, and that’s why it works. But nothing works the same way forever. And was it not tactical decision-making that led you to such a smooth-running operation in the first place?

Responding Reflexively to Events

We must respond to events, but if we’re letting events dictate our reactions, repetition will turn those reactions into policy. When we find ourselves reacting to the same crises, know that we are creating policy whether we think it through or not. A leader sets policy with intention; a follower is led into policy unaware.

“Fear is the mind-killer.” -Frank Herbert, Dune

Nothing sets the reflexes in gear and the mind in neutral like fear. Despite the note of urgency of the metaphor of putting out fires, most leadership crises aren’t so critical that we can’t afford to think before we act. One way to create some space is not to fight the fear but embrace it as problem-solving urgency. When you feel that pit opening in your gut, stop. Take a moment to absorb the situation. Consider your options, pick one, and then proceed. If your “fight or flight” response is set to “fight” and the way you fight is to “solve,” you’ve set yourself up for problem-solving over panic.

It also helps to try to anticipate time-constrained problems before they arise. Of course, no one can predict everything. The best we can do is learn from experience and never be taken by surprise twice.

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A Spectator to Your Metrics

You’re close to tactical decision-making, but you’re not quite there. You’re looking at your financials, tracking your project’s critical path, and checking your metrics. You’re keeping track of your progress, whatever form that takes. Fantastic! How are you acting on those metrics? Running on autopilot? Reacting reflexively? Or are you really using your tools to make good decisions?

Tactical Decision-Making

You have the metrics and the mindfulness to actively choose to make or remake operational decisions. You’re looking at your processes, policies, and methods and asking yourself, “How can I make this better?” You’re thinking and acting, not responding reflexively. This is tactical decision-making.

Balance: Management by Exception vs. Tactical Decision-Making

We have many duties as leaders, and no advice we take or method we employ should ever draw us away from keeping our responsibilities balanced. Tactical decision-making should never be a reason not to give prompt attention to immediate needs and emerging problems.

When Tactical Decision-Making Is an Excuse

Everyone has worked with — or worse, for — a Laputan so wrapped up in abstract ideas you can count on this person to do no actual work. Such a person might even hijack a meeting to discuss a concept in uselessly abstract terms or quibble over issues not related to the work at hand. The Laputan will also talk a lot about “vision,” “strategy,” and perhaps even “tactical decision-making.”

Obviously, a good leader has to dig in and do the work. A good leader must respond promptly to crises, particularly those involving customers or legal affairs. A good leader needs to be in the moment when the situation demands it. “Don’t bother me; I’m thinking,” isn’t an acceptable excuse when you are needed. When we lead a meeting, we need to justify every minute we hold the floor to justify the time cost for every person there, including ourselves.

When Management by Exception Is an Excuse

The customer walks away happy, the dispute between the employees dissolves before your wisdom, the blockage in the production line bursts open at your command, and you feel pretty good about that. “I’m doing a great job!”

Yes, you did a great job and have every right to feel proud. But you’re a leader, and a leader has many responsibilities. If we never think about tactical decision-making, if we never think about underlying processes, some of which might well be contributing to the fires we’re constantly putting out, we are neglecting one of our duties as a leader. It costs us time, but intelligently addressing the cause of a problem saves us the time of repeatedly solving that problem.


Tactical decision-making is as important as responding promptly to the immediate challenges of our leadership environment. A wise leader understands and carries the burdens of both planning and execution. Find the right balance between responding to events as a leader and taking time to think through the day-to-day work processes so that “emergencies” and “exceptions” become fewer as our plans for dealing with them become better.

The Eighth Mile offers an online leadership training course to help find balance and think and act like a leader. Get in touch to find out how to can improve decision-making processes.

As leaders and managers, part of our responsibility is to find credible information to assist practical and informed decision-making. Unfortunately, decisions often have to be made on deadline — without all the necessary information available. Decision makers in these circumstances must leverage their management experience to estimate the likely risk-to-reward ratio of a business decision and act within their authority on limited information. How to make better decisions faster is a skill all leaders must learn, or else they may be left behind.

Indecision Is a Decision

From my own experiences, I have often observed leaders who are very uncomfortable making decisions without “all” the information. But to not make a decision is also a choice. In a competitive environment, indecision is the kiss of death: Situational opportunities get snatched up by competitors who are more adaptable and agile. Decisiveness now on an incomplete set of facts beats a perfectly informed decision later — provided the educated guess was close enough.
Military strategist Carl von Clausewitz coined the phrase “the fog of war” to describe uncertainty within the complex, high-stakes arena of military conflict. It addresses the complexities of gathering accurate and timely information in a constantly changing environment against thinking opponents.
Key to the “fog” metaphor is the importance of how to make command decisions faster with what little information one has. Fog is also everywhere; there is no place to hide from it. Indecision does not lie outside the Fog of War, but within.
In war, achieving goals requires maintaining momentum. Momentum requires action. The skilled commander must timely act within the Fog of War, maintaining momentum on limited information rather than losing by default to indecision.

No Perfect Decisions in the Fog of War

So why can’t people conceive of making better decisions in the absence of “all” the information? The simple answer is fear of making the wrong decision. With no information at all, this prudent caution is perfectly understandable. But there is no prudence in wasting time on an endless search for the “perfect decision” because it does not exist, except maybe in hindsight.
If there is no such thing as a time-constrained “perfect decision,” and if all decisions are time-constrained, making better decisions while maintaining momentum is the wiser course. A leader whose decisions are rash and ill-considered doesn’t stay a leader for long. Overcompensating for this, however, is no better.
What a wise leader will find is that the most effective balance lies closer to action. From my own experience in competitive environments, I’ve found that making faster decisions that are good 80% of the time beats 100% of the decisions made too late. Making better decisions while maintaining momentum creates the most reliable recipe for projects succeeding on time.

In the Fog of War, Information Is on a Budget

On a time budget, gathering data is not income but expense. To make better decisions, your information needs to be worth more than the time it takes to gather. For every data-gathering endeavor, ask yourself, “Am I gathering the right amount of the right data? Was the time I spent worth the cost?”
Sir Richard Branson once said, “There’s no such thing as perfect decision making — only hindsight can determine whether you made the ‘right call.’”
One of Branson’s techniques places greater emphasis on a small set of key questions, gathering the most accurate information possible on a small set of parameters to inform the broader decision. “Perfect information” on a narrow set of specifics is a viable technique — it’s the time budget that matters. If budgeting all the time on a narrow set of specifics provides a way to make better decisions faster, it’s a good method.
Too often, people appear to be gathering information without a good understanding of what decision it will influence. In these instances, people are most certainly busy; unfortunately, they are likely collecting the wrong information. Quantity without quality is wasteful spending of the time budget. Getting the right data and only the right data is how to make decisions faster.

4 Ways to Manage the Fog of War

As a trained leader, there are several things you can do to assist your team members so they spend the minimum of their precious time collecting the most valuable information:
  • Prioritize your questions of fact. Determine what one must know versus what is nice to know. In some cases, a metric applied to the data itself might signal the end of the useful collection. Always place greater emphasis on answering questions that will determine go/no go criteria for the project.
  • Route the right questions to the right stakeholders. Too often, we engage the wrong people with our critical questions. When engaging with subject matter experts, ensure that your question drives toward a decision and that you ask in language or vernacular appropriate to your audience, as words often mean different things to different professionals. Don’t make the common mistake of assuming every project manager knows complex engineering terminology.
  • Streamline data collection toward specific questions targeted to make better decisions. Effective project managers adequately define the project scope and ensure the project remains oriented toward a measurable end-state. If you are collecting information that does not target how to make decisions faster, stop collecting it.
  • Sequence your data collection to align toward project milestones. Get what you need most first. Do, however, keep one eye on preserving data you might need later.

Make Better Decisions Within the Fog of War

If you wait too long for too much information, you can miss critical opportunities as projects and situations evolve. The Fog of War will never part to reveal the perfect decision until it’s too late to matter. Do you have enough information to make a “good enough” decision now? Make it. Learn how to make decisions faster, and you’ll find you can make better decisions.
These principles inform our work at The Eighth Mile Consulting. We work with good people who are ready to take a critical inventory of their skills and make the changes necessary to become better leaders for their teams and businesses. If you’re facing the uncertainty of the Fog of War, we’re a good ally to have on your side. Take a look at our 8-week online leadership course and see how The Eighth Mile can help you make better decisions faster.

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

It takes a trailblazer to go where no path exists. It takes a leader.

In every business, it’s leaders who provide direction. Your business couldn’t reach its goals without this.

But great leaders aren’t necessarily born — they’re made. Leadership is one of those qualities that people can learn.

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) recent report on working millennials, 29% of those surveyed accepted their most recent position for its personal development opportunities and advancement potential. Only 14% chose their position for the benefits package.

The bottom line? Millennials are poised to make up 75% of the workforce in just a few years. These workers want to see training opportunities offered, and employers who don’t meet this desire risk losing current (and attracting future) talent.

The question is: do you opt for traditional classroom-based or online leadership training? And how do you know if online leadership training is right for you or your organization?

Classroom-based learning has its place, but online leadership training offers multiple benefits over the classroom — for employees and employers.

Benefits of Online Leadership Training

Whether you want to help employees jumpstart a soaring career trajectory, succeed in a current role, or prepare for a future role, knowing the benefits of this kind of training can help point you to the right type of program.

At Eighth Mile Consulting, we pride ourselves on helping organizations grow by improving their people and processes. Our consulting services can help your organization handle change, build resilience, and develop the strategies that cultivate leadership.

The right online leadership training program can provide many opportunities for improvement.

Assess your Leadership Effectiveness 

To improve upon anything, you need to know where your skills stand currently.

  • What are some of your weaknesses?
  • How can you strengthen those areas?
  • Where do your strengths lie?
  • How can you pull from your current skillset to improve your leadership qualities?

Becoming familiar with these answers generates awareness. It offers insights that identify improvement strategies and personal leadership styles. You and your employees can reference, pull from and build upon these skills over the course of a career.

Learn and Practice Vital Leadership Skills

Effective leaders know how to:

  • Define direction
  • Create teams
  • Coach coworkers
  • Give constructive criticism
  • Offer meaningful advice and feedback
  • Generate interpersonal relationships built on trust

The mark of a genuine leader lies in their influence on (and empowerment of) coworkers, subordinates, and bosses. Great leaders can tackle stressful situations and identify whether delegation is necessary or if it would be better to handle the task on their own.

Receive Honest Advice From More Experienced Leaders

This is the greatest benefit of online leadership training: the exposure to others in leadership positions. Leaders in all career stages have experiences they can share, and learning from others is one of the best ways to grow. Freely debating and exchanging ideas is something that can prove invaluable compared to trying to learn how to lead all by yourself.

Who Benefits Most From Online Leadership Training?

You may think the only candidates worthy of leadership training are those who already hold some type of leadership position. Actually, a wide range of positions and career stages can find value.

Let’s take a look at four types of professionals who typically see the most benefit from online leadership training.

Entry-Level to Mid-Career Employees 

These professionals might be experts in their field or company. If this person wants to eventually take on a leadership position but isn’t sure of the path to get there, leadership training is the map. Proactive development of the skills a leader needs primes these employees for lift-off when the right position opens.

Employees New to Leadership Roles

Most larger companies have an established hierarchy that determines those next in line for promotions to leadership roles. For example, specific education and relevant experience may be required for consideration.

On the other hand, smaller and more agile companies might not have such a formal hierarchy. This is ideal for employees who desire a leadership role but don’t have any experience yet. Employees suddenly thrust into leadership positions can especially benefit from leadership training to get acclimated to their new responsibilities.

New Entrepreneurs

A lot of small businesses begin as single self-employed individuals. There are no other employees to schedule, manage or otherwise consider.

The moment this entrepreneur’s business grows, hiring that first employee can change the game entirely. The entrepreneur isn’t just responsible for themselves anymore. Many people can attest that solopreneurial success doesn’t always translate to entrepreneurial success.

Honing leadership skills is a must for people whose desires lie in the entrepreneurial territory. It helps them learn the skills needed to hire and manage a high-performance team.

Entire Companies

Depending on the business or industry, some companies look outside to hire for open leadership roles. But there are several benefits of promoting someone already familiar with how the business works, such as:

  • Reduced costs. There’s no expense to recruit, screen, or interview candidates.
  • Faster acclimation. Since the employee already knows a lot about the company, there’s much less time spent on training.

Offering access to online leadership training can help the newly promoted individual learn more about management and build the skills necessary for success in their new role.

What Problems Can Online Leadership Training Solve?

Online leadership training, compared to traditional classroom-based training, can ease the strain on employees in several respects, such as:

  • Employees with children don’t need to seek childcare.
  • Employees whose families share one vehicle don’t need to coordinate transportation.
  • Employees can still address other responsibilities outside of work.

Unfortunately, some companies cast aside these benefits in exchange for perceived cost savings because the C-suite mistakenly believes that investing in online leadership training is cost-prohibitive. Did you know: After changing company policy and implementing online leadership training, IBM saved almost $200 million?

Partner with The Eighth Mile

At The Eighth Mile, our mission is to work with good people who are ready to improve their leadership and management skills through critical evaluation and absolute honesty. If that sounds like a challenge you are ready for, we’d love to hear from you. Our consulting and educational programs can help you design your ideal team through our 8-week online leadership course with regular virtual workshops and even one-on-one coaching sessions included with the modules. If you want to learn how to better handle changes in your organization, build greater resilience within your staff, and develop the strategies that cultivate strong leaders, connect with us to learn more.

I recently posted a number of content pieces that explained ‘The Principles Of War’, a set of broad and overarching guidelines that acted as a filtering system for the operational and strategic efforts we conducted within the Military. In response to these posts many asked me to collate the information in a central source so that they might apply more reasonably to their businesses and teams.

There is no point in providing a set of principles, guidelines or considerations unless we build a context behind them that establishes relevance.  This is my shot at doing that for the Principles of War in a corporate context.

The Principles of War are a set of guiding principles that act as considerations for military planning and strategy.  It has become apparent that there is some utility in using them in the corporate environment.  In this article, we look at the analysis and interpretation of the principles with that concept in mind.

Simply put, the principles exist to help frame ‘how’ to think and not ‘what’ to think.  This means that we are free to explore whatever is needed to solve the problem.  However, we must be careful to balance our priorities and resources to enable the best possible outcome.

These are the principles in order but not in importance.  Each plan or initiative will see a different prioritisation of each of these principles in order to achieve a different effects or outcome.

  1. The selection and maintenance of the aim
  2. Concentration of force
  3. Cooperation
  4. Economy of effort
  5. Security
  6. Offensive action
  7. Surprise
  8. Flexibility
  9. Sustainment
  10. Maintenance of morale

The situation will see each principle being utilised differently and should be weighted depending on the circumstances, what needs to be achieved and the priorities set out by the planner.  As an example, when developing a concept for client focused service (aim) we may need to bring in another organisation to cover an identified need (cooperation) which we could only build ourselves at a much higher cost (economy of effort).  This joint venture may necessitate an exchange of restricted information (security) to ensure the team is established, trust is built, and we can be demonstrating our ability to adjust to our client’s needs (flexibility/aim).

For this scenario, the client focused service has primacy.  It may look something like this.

Note – ‘the doctrine’ comments are excerpts from Land Warfare Doctrine 1 – The Fundamentals of Land Power 2014 – The Principles of War


The doctrine – Once the aim has been decided, all effort must continually be directed towards its attainment so long as this is possible, and every plan or action must be tested by its bearing on the aim.

“ Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future ” – Walt Disney

In broad terms, it means to keep the object/ end in mind at every level of the operation. The creation of the aim (end state/ outcome) takes time, energy, and some serious thought. This is true for military and corporate action.

When selecting and maintaining the aim:

  1. Ensure it aligns with your values
  2. Communicate it simply and effectively to those involved
  3. Reinforce the aim at all levels
  4. Resist the urge to ad hoc stray from the aim
  5. Maintain open lines of communication with key stakeholders
  6. Test any changes against its impact on the overall aim
  7. Bring subject matter experts in for objectivity

Know where you are heading before you start. It allows you and your team to align to a common outcome and make decisions as well as maintain momentum in your absence. From CEO to a jobseeker, selecting and maintaining your aim provides the purpose to make sound decisions.


The doctrine – Concentration of force is the ability to apply decisive military force at the right place, at the right time and in such a way as to achieve a decisive result.

“ The talent of the strategist is to identify the decisive point and to concentrate everything on it, removing forces from secondary fronts and ignoring lesser objectives. ” – Carl von Clausewitz

To be successful we need to be able to concentrate our capabilities, at the appropriate time and place, to achieve success. This means knowing what we have, what it can do and where it is going to have the most impact.  Then doing it.  This principle is about be deliberate and even more so, decisive.

In a corporate context this would mean:

  1. Having the funding to support a new project or capitalise on an opportunity
  2. Aligning staff, capital and messaging at a key point to achieve and outcome
  3. Defining areas that are irrelevant for expenditure
  4. Having a surge capability to reinforce success
  5. Knowing the strategy and communicating key locations and times for action
  6. Making decisions within the time to be effective
  7. Building alignment, momentum and energy to decisive points in the plan

We cannot spend everything on anything.  Prioritise those actions that will have the highest impact and align to the strategy.  Then build up the required resources, staff and capital to seize an opportunity.  This is a deliberate and defined process.


The doctrine – Cooperation within joint combined arms interagency teams, allies and coalition partners is vital for success. Only in this way can the resources and energies of each be harnessed so as to achieve success.

” It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed. ” – Charles Darwin

Vital to success is the ability to bring together multiple agencies to achieve an overall effect.  What this means in a practical sense is to build teams that cover each other’s gaps.  We cannot know or be great at everything, so we join forces with others to create something better than our own individual capability.

What cooperation looks like:

  1. Admitting that you are not strong in an area
  2. Aligning with a team that is
  3. Leaving your ego at the door and being prepared to be led depending on the priority
  4. Acknowledging a greater purpose
  5. Sharing information freely and in a timely fashion
  6. Synchronising the efforts in space, time, and priority to create the best impact
  7. Putting the team needs first
  8. Protecting each other and representing them in areas where they don’t represent themselves

Combining efforts takes a great deal of trust, authenticity, and respect.  It may be for a short period or an enduring strategic partnership.  The vulnerabilities of your joined team must be protected at all costs.


The doctrine – Economy of effort is the prudent allocation and application of resources to achieve the desired results.

“ The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. ” – Bill Gates

Economy of effort.  This principle deals with ‘playing smart’ and making the full use of available resources. It is in this space that we create a balance in priorities and what we can realistically achieve and sustain.  Appropriate allocation must be nested with the strategy as they are finite.  Priority allocation must go to the main effort that and supporting efforts will be created to enable it.

In a corporate setting this might look like:

  1. Priority resourcing to finding new opportunities
  2. Supporting effort in retaining and consolidated current projects
  3. Reserve resources segregated for identified contingencies

A changing environment requires adaptability and if the main effort/ supporting efforts evolve then the priority of resourcing will change.  At all times maintaining your economy of effort must be nested with the other principles like sustainment.  Appropriate allocation of effort can mean the difference between success and failure.


The doctrine – Security is concerned with measures taken by a command to protect itself from espionage, sabotage, subversion, observation, or surprise. It is of basic concern during any campaign or operation. Security is required to operate effectively with minimal interference from the enemy.

“ Protection and security are only valuable if they do not cramp life excessively. ” – Carl Jung

To be able to continue to operate and/ or obtain opportunities we must first ensure that our own capabilities are as secure as required by the strategy.  Now in times of need, sacrificing security for speed may be that strategy but it must be a planned, deliberate, and precise decision.  Offensive strategies can also be a method of security as we stay mobile, maintain momentum and aren’t targetable.

In a corporate context, this could mean:

  1. Securing your information, strategies and plans from your competitors
  2. Ensuring you have consolidated resources to mitigate uncertainties
  3. Future proof your employee relevance by developing them
  4. Maintain quick and deliberate decision-making cycles to stay ahead of the competition
  5. Securing financial viability by maintaining cashflow
  6. Diversifying to create redundancy to secure operational viability
  7. Mitigating priority risks to reduce critical events

Security of our businesses in physical, financial, strategic, operational and resource-based decisions is important to enable us to operate effectively with minimal disturbance.  This principle allows us to analyse risk and mitigate it before crisis occurs.


The doctrine – Military forces take offensive action to gain and retain the initiative. This has often taken the form of building momentum and fueling it to snowball the opposition. In most circumstances, such action is essential to the achievement of victory.

“ A little deed done very well is better than a mighty plan kept on paper, undone. Wishes don’t change the world; it’s actions that do this business! ” – Israelmore Ayivor

We need an offensive action (read, a bias for action in this case) to either regain or maintain initiative, or in a corporate context; maintain your competitive advantage, be first to market, launch on a project or create and seize opportunities.  This action must be deliberate and decisive and must be driven towards achieving the established aim.

To effectively implement offensive actions, we should:

  1. Empower people who have a bias for action (as long the strategy supports it)
  2. Consolidate and make use of adequate resources
  3. Ensure the action is sustainable to the end
  4. Be linked to other key stakeholders to support
  5. Use an element of surprise
  6. Make effective use of available resources
  7. Be deliberate and decisive
  8. Be oriented towards the overarching aim or strategy
  9. Be balanced with security of our own capabilities

In a military context this may necessitate combat however, it can also be the use of information actions and achieving influence as well.  Overall, it is important to understand the importance of having a bias for action as it creates momentum, speed in decision making and advantage over your competitors.  This bias will ultimately allow you to create opportunities not just be reactive to them.


The doctrine – Surprise can produce results out of all proportion to the effort expended and is closely related to security.

“ In conflict, straightforward actions generally lead to engagement, surprising actions generally lead to victory ” – Sun Tzu

In a military term this might require deception or simply being able to disperse and concentrate rapidly, concealing your activity, appearing weak when you are strong etc.  The idea is to be where you are unexpected or where you are expected at a time when you are not, in forces that weren’t planned for.  In a corporate context, this may mean the release of a new strategy, software, market entry, product release in a time and manner that is not expected so that your competitors can’t mimic or get the inside track.

To achieve successful surprise:

  1. Be where you are not expected to be
  2. Appear vulnerable when you are in fact strong
  3. Appear strong when you are weak
  4. Approach markets from different methods
  5. Create strong allies who enable you to scale and disperse rapidly
  6. Know your environment in detail
  7. Understand the importance of timing
  8. Have a strategy and a plan
  9. Show the minimum amount of activity in an area people are expecting so that they don’t know what your actual aim is. It is called a feint.
  10. Be adaptable and ready to respond to your changing environment

This list is ultimately endless but, in a nutshell, utilising surprise not only keeps you and your team excited about new plans, it also enables you to capitalise on opportunities before others know you are even looking at them.


The doctrine – Flexibility is the capacity to adapt plans to take account of unforeseen circumstances to ensure success in the face of friction, unexpected resistance, or setbacks, or to capitalise on unexpected opportunities.

“ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. ”  – Charles Darwin

This is your ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment (your AQ).  I would also include your resilience to setbacks, ability to deal with friction, chaos and complexity and to make decisions in uncertainty.  The aim of flexibility is to maintain dynamic decision making across multiple lines of operation and still be synchronised.

To build flexibility:

  1. Identify and communicate the overall aim
  2. Understand your environment
  3. Build a redundancy or reserve of resources
  4. Empower decision making at the lowest level
  5. Simplify communication
  6. Provide realistic and relevant boundaries
  7. Create an environment of innovation
  8. Absorb risk, friction and anxiety for your team

Giving your team and organisation the confidence and capability to accept risk and seize opportunities is a deliberate process.  As leaders we have a responsibility to create the environment and set the conditions for success.  Build and train your teams to be able to understand intent and feel confident to take risks knowing that you have their backs.  Ultimately, gaps and opportunities will be found by them.  If they feel confident and capable, you will be able to pivot early and often.


The doctrine – Sustainment refers to the support arrangements necessary to implement strategies and operational plans.

“ You won’t find it difficult to prove that battles, campaigns, and even wars have been won or lost primarily because of logistics ”  – General Dwight. D. Eisenhower

The new executive with the grand ideas will often forget about the sustainability of a project or strategy.  Logistics and sustainability don’t just happen and can underpin an entire campaign.

Deliberate planning of time and resources for both offensive and defensive strategies should be a priority if you want an enduring impact.  The sustainability or logistical elements of are also those things that are easily targetable by a competitor who can bring more support to the game.

To be sustainable we must:

  1. Accurately plan the requirements of our missions
  2. Have a redundancy
  3. Identify the needs and requirements of our teams
  4. Be prepared to do more with less (should not be the ‘go to’ move)
  5. Be creative and use initiative
  6. Allocate resources to those areas with the greatest impact
  7. Prioritise resources (especially time and energy)
  8. Have a strategy and a plan

Sustainability of our initiatives is the life blood of enduring impact.  In change management, fatigue and obstruction are the result.  In projects, loss of capability occurs or a failure to meet scope.

Be clinical and decisive in your application of resources.


The doctrine – Morale is an essential element of combat power. High morale engenders courage, energy, cohesion, endurance, steadfastness, determination and a bold, offensive spirit.

“ An army’s effectiveness depends on its size, training, experience, and morale, and morale is worth more than any of the other factors combined. ” – Napoleon Bonaparte

For those that know and understand the power of good morale, it is understood that this can be the power that turns the tide and make the unachievable…achievable.

Teams with high morale based on being highly trained, determined people with a shared value set, cohesion and trust will outperform even the best ‘qualified’ teams (on paper) with low morale. This is the secret force multiplier that changes the game.

Morale is built on:

  1. Trust
  2. Shared experience
  3. Open communication
  4. Success (short/long term) and performance
  5. Influential leadership (at all levels)
  6. A shared purpose and identity
  7. Commitment and conviction to succeed
  8. A genuine and authentic care for each other and the team
  9. Culture and a feeling of belonging
  10. A willingness to put the team above yourself

If you have worked in a team with high morale, you will understand the power and addictive nature of it. You feel indestructible and associate the impossible as the possible. However, it takes work and commitment to being a part of something bigger than yourself.


The principles of war have been developed over the years as a set of factors and considerations for successful planning and implementation of strategy.

Depending on the environment, the adversary, experience, available time and any other amount of identifiable conditions will determine what weight is applied to each principle. We cannot achieve every principle perfectly every time. Sometimes we may have to sacrifice one to achieve another as a priority of circumstance. That means that careful consideration and analysis must be applied to each strategy and plan. The consideration itself will lead to a better plan than had it not been done at all.

Ultimately, having a set of principles that can help aid in planning and decision making helps you to create better outcomes.  The principles of war are one such set.

The Eighth Mile Consulting officially launched in January this year (2019) and our team has been on an exciting roller coaster ever since. Modeled on a belief of ‘Good People, Helping Good People’, we have stepped out into the world seeking to find positive people and support community serving projects.

The purpose of this report is to provide a mechanism to communicate all of the lessons we learnt along the journey so far. In doing so, we hope that it serves other teams and removes the need to learn the same mistakes the hard way. We also hope that it helps them to capitalise on opportunities which we have identified.

This follows a six-month report which we published in August this year, called “Our no BS review of The Eighth Mile Consulting – 6 Months in”. It also includes many lessons that might be of merit to others.


  • Our team has grown from 2 to 11 people.   
  • We have achieved our first-year brand recognition targets. 
  • We achieved our financial targets. 
  • We exceeded our organisational growth targets by 30%. 
  • We have set all the conditions for our next phase in 2020.

Now that we have that out of the way these are the lessons we learnt or have had reinforced throughout our short journey…

Lesson 1: Only supporting positive projects is financially viable

We have conclusively proven that supporting positive projects is a viable business methodology, but it requires consideration of a number of factors to remain sustainable.

Project funding models need to be discussed early in scoping stages and need to be leveraged off of a Return on Investment (ROI) for the customer. The customer needs to feel that they are supporting something which will provide a positive legacy for them, the community and their brand. But, it needs to be clear that the project is ‘for profit’ as we have staff to pay and administration costs to attend to.

Many positive industries are still in the early stages of development. This means that they have not yet fully embraced the idea of consulting being used in support of their existing organisational structures. This can make conversations difficult when trying to find middle ground that will ensure value for both organisations, whilst also delivering positive projects.

The best approach is to be clear, transparent and upfront about everyone’s expectations.

Lesson 2: Plan to scale and grow quickly

All the strategies in the world will not determine how it plays out on the ground. Always have a reserve or something in the back pocket in order to deal with unforeseen contingencies.

We spent significant time preparing a methodology for scaling our services, based on a number of growth assumptions. As it turns out, what we thought were ambitious growth targets were only half of what was required in reality (a good problem to have). A rapid increase in demand required that our strategy be accelerated in areas in order to accommodate the number of projects which were required in a short time.

We are now in a great place with good projects and initiatives in the pipeline, supported by a proportionately growing staff pool. For the meantime we have found the right balance, but admittedly there were some late nights trying to figure out how we can ensure services were provided to the standard we hold ourselves to.

Lesson 3: Leave your ego & pride at the door. Don’t go down with a sinking ship.

It is not always clear what initiatives will land and which ones will not. Linking back to our military careers there was a popular saying among leaders, “time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted”. The same rings true in business.

The time spent conceptualising new ideas, creating a plan for market, and then probing out to determine its value is essential in ensuring your relevance with other client organisations.

This being said, do not put all your eggs in one basket, and do not keep whipping a dead horse. Probing, by its very nature, is used to confirm, validate or deny facts and assumptions. If the data comes back that it isn’t worth the continued effort in a certain area. Stop, learn/adapt, reorientate, and then move again.

Lesson 4: The Sunshine Coast is very difficult to establish in.

One of our aims has been to base The Eighth Mile Consulting out of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. The reasons for this were based around a growing economy, an acceptance of small businesses, lifestyle, community, technology advancements and great infrastructure.

As it turns out the vast majority of our clients are based in Brisbane. It has been very difficult to break into the cliques associated with the Sunshine Coast despite many efforts to find relevance in the community. In many ways we have found it easier to provide services to other countries such as the USA.

Our company is very keen to support The Sunshine Coast in a more formal capacity but something is going to have to give. It might be a matter of time and pressure making diamonds, but it also might be a venture which is not viable long term. Time will tell.

Not known for stalling, we have a number of initiatives we will test. Depending on the viability of the outcomes we will make decisions whether to officially base our efforts out of Brisbane or Sunshine Coast.

Lesson 5: Build a high performing team, and clients will magnetise towards it.

We are fortunate in that we have access to a unique pool of extremely high performing leaders in which to create our staff base. We have made a deliberate choice to grow the team, prior to knowing all the problems. In doing so, we have actively sourced people which we trust, and we know can deliver incredible services to organisations that need it the most.

The beauty of having access to such people is that they are able to remain flexible and adapt their style, approach and methodology to suit the client and the target audience. The second advantage is that the more high performers we draw into the pool, the more appetising it is for other candidates who may have been fence sitting prior. In essence, it generates its own momentum and energy.

Lesson 6: We remain methodology agnostic

From our inception we have been, and remain, project methodology agnostic.

Due to our tertiary qualifications and history of project management we have developed a strong understanding of different project methodologies. We can use them if requested/required, but you will not see us heavily pushing a specific approach.

Instead, we are strong advocates on developing customised solutions for clients after listening intensively to their stories and determining their needs. We do not subscribe to a one solution fits all approach and we will continue to work under this design. It works for our clients, and it works for us.

Lesson 7: Keep having fun

Throughout this journey we have grown our team, fought through the challenges and have done so with a big smile on our faces. We revel in the complexity and the uncertainty and it has only served to cement many of our friendships in even stronger foundations.

We enjoy going to work and being around our team. We learn and professionally develop from each other and we are good at what we do. I can’t wait to bring in some more equally positive people to the company.

Lesson 8: Continue removing single points of failure

Until now there has been a misconception that The Eighth Mile Consulting team is the ‘Dave and Jono’ experience. This is a perception we need to rectify, as we feel it directly undermines the amazing work being provided by our ever-growing team.

Significant effort will be placed in the next cycle to demonstrate the amazing and unique skillsets which our team provide on a daily basis.

The plan moving forward

Keep trying to find good people by teaming up and partnering with more like-minded and motivated individuals, teams and organisations. 

Continue to scale our services into new industries (watch this space). 

Continue to find our relevance in the Sunshine Coast until it becomes overtly obvious that it is no longer viable. 

Continue supporting veterans, emergency services and first responders as part of an enduring effort across multiple projects. 

Continue to organically grow our follower base on Linkedin without the use of sending requests from the Company page. We believe in creating a community of people who want to be involved, not those who felt pressured to join us. 

Continue growing our team at a rate commensurate with our service demand. 

Continue providing value for free online platforms like LinkedIn, websites and Business magazines in order to help other people, whilst concurrently demonstrating our team’s knowledge base.