
Empathy vs Sympathy Quiz

Empathy vs sympathy – understanding the difference between the two is essential, but it’s often confusing.

In some cases, people use these words interchangeably. But when it comes to leadership skills, that’s not accurate. There’s value in being an empathetic leader who connects with and supports the team.

The difference between these emotional responses can be subtle yet significant. Consider a situation where a friend is going through a tough time. A sympathetic response might involve expressing condolences or offering comfort. An empathetic response, however, would involve understanding and sharing their feelings, perhaps recalling a similar experience you’ve had.

What Is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to imagine what other people may be feeling, thinking, or experiencing without that same situation occurring to you. It’s the ability to sense and appreciate another person’s emotions or experiences.

What Is Sympathy?

Sympathy occurs when a person feels compassion for another person’s pain or struggles. We feel for a person, but not with them. We feel sorry for a person’s misfortune but from the outside. It’s a critical component of emotional intelligence.

Read more about empathy vs sympathy.

It’s crucial to note that neither empathy nor sympathy is inherently better than the other. Each has its place and importance in human relationships. However, understanding which one we’re experiencing or expressing can lead to more meaningful and supportive interactions.

A sympathy test or an empathy quiz aims to evaluate our capacity to either resonate with others’ emotions (empathy) or to feel for them without necessarily experiencing their feelings (sympathy). The tools are designed to measure our propensity towards one or the other.

Take the Empathy vs Sympathy quiz to learn more.


Jonathan Clark is the director and co-founder of The Eighth Mile Consulting based in Sunshine Coast, Australia. Working with organisations, we facilitate change management, strategy development and risk management initiatives. We are good people, helping good people. We support positive projects and positive people.