In the journey of personal growth and leadership, we often find ourselves confronted with challenges and adversity that can test our character and values. Friedrich Nietzsche’s insightful words, “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee,” remind us of the potential danger of losing ourselves in our adversity. It is crucial for leaders to maintain their sense of empathy and understanding, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

Recognizing the Changes Within for Personal Growth

Amidst the trials and tribulations of leadership, it is essential to remain vigilant about the changes that may occur within us. We must not allow external forces and pressures to erode our core values or tarnish our sense of compassion. Carl Jung wisely stated, “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” This acknowledgment of our own potential to succumb to negative influences is paramount in recognizing and addressing such tendencies in ourselves and those around us.

Embracing Vulnerability and Self-Reflection

Admitting our vulnerabilities and shortcomings is an essential aspect of personal growth and effective leadership. It takes courage and self-awareness to confront the parts within ourselves that may align with the very aspects we oppose. By embracing vulnerability and engaging in honest self-reflection, we pave the way for personal transformation and a deeper understanding of our motivations and actions. This self-examination enables us to be more empathetic, compassionate, and self-correcting leaders.

The Risk of Action vs. the Risk of Inaction

Leadership requires making tough choices and taking a stand in the face of adversity. There is always a risk associated with stepping up and engaging in the battles we choose to fight. However, it is important to realize that the risk of doing nothing can be far greater. Inaction often perpetuates existing problems and prevents growth and positive change. As Robert H. Schuller wisely said, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” It is our strength and resilience which empowers us to weather the storms and emerge stronger on the other side despite the potential personal sacrifice and consequence.

The Power of Servant Leadership

In navigating controversial leadership scenarios, servant leadership is one approach that stands out. This leadership style focuses on putting the needs of others first and serving a higher purpose. By prioritizing empathy, collaboration, and inclusivity, leaders can foster an environment where trust and understanding thrive. Servant leadership enables leaders to transcend the potential darkness and turmoil surrounding them and forge a path toward positive change and growth.


As leaders, we must remain vigilant against the potential pitfalls of losing ourselves in the battles we face. Recognizing our own vulnerabilities, embracing self-reflection, and staying true to our values are vital aspects of maintaining our integrity and empathy. In the face of adversity, the choice to act rather than remain passive carries its own risks. Sin by omission or, the deliberate choice to not ‘choose’ carries its own consequence.  Often, the risk of inaction often outweighs the challenges of taking a stand. By embracing the principles of servant leadership, we can navigate controversial leadership scenarios with grace, empathy, and a commitment to positive change. Let us remember Nietzsche’s cautionary words and strive to be the leaders who rise above the darkness while staying true to our values and purpose.

Jonathan Clark is the director and co-founder of The Eighth Mile Consulting based in Sunshine Coast, Australia. Working with organisations, we facilitate change management, strategy development and risk management initiatives. We are good people, helping good people. We support positive projects and positive people.

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