There are a number of areas that affect the success rate of change management projects. In fact, research from McKinsey and Co shows that 70% of all transformations fail. Ultimately, change is not optional, but it is a choice. It is the job of a leader to create the conditions that support change and promote the choice to embrace it.

In this 50-minute video, Peter Keith and Jonathan Clark touch on some of the common myths of change management that leaders buy into–often to their own detriment.  They will also explain how to avoid these pitfalls during your own change management project and outline the five pre-conditions for contentedness in an organization as a way to understand how employees may perceive change. 


Jonathan Clark & Peter Keith, The Eighth Mile Consulting

Length of Video

51 minutes

Video Highlights

0:00 – Myths of Change Management #1: “Change Management Comes Down to the Manager”

0:25 – Industry Example: Making Policy Change

1:18 – Individual Ideals vs Organizational Values

2:16 – How Change Management is Like Driving a Car

4:10 – Myths of Change Management #2: “If the Change Is Good Enough, People Will Accept It”

4:30 – Using Wants, Needs, and Knowledge to Overcome Fear and Resistance to Change

8:36 – Myths of Change Management #3: “Leadership Isn’t Essential In Change Management”

10:01 – Leadership vs Management

10:58 – Listening-Based Communication

13:34 – Leadership Doesn’t Need a Title

15:40 – Defining and Communicating Values As a Leader

18:20 – Provide Systems and Processes to Create Effective Leaders

20:47 – Myths of Change Management #4: “Change is Optional”

21:28 – The Concept of “Burning The Ships”

22:22 – The SCARF Model (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness) for Contentedness

25:11 – Change is a Choice

30:19 – Myths of Change Management #5: “Change Management is a Small Team Responsibility”

30:58 – Scapegoating a Team Prevents Learning From Mistakes

32:39 – Expectation Management

34:40 – Change Must Be Linked to Overall Business Strategy

36:13 – The Role of External Parties

37:15 – Question to the Attendees: What is Your Experience with Change Management?

45:29 – Wrap-Up

47:37 – Storytime: Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Company Overview

Eighth Mile Consulting is a leadership training and consulting agency focused on creating and supporting better leaders in all industries. If you are seeking to develop yourself professionally, we have created an online leadership course to help you become better, more resilient leaders for your team.

For more helpful videos to help you grow your people and your organization, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

As a leader, our key responsibility is to our people. Therefore, we must learn and develop the skills required to provide the right environment for our people, as well as the coaching conversations that develop the people we are responsible for at an individual level. One of these skills is leading with empathy. 

Empathy does not always come naturally. Like any leadership skill, it takes practice and guidance. In this video, the Eighth Mile Consulting Team discusses what empathy is, what it isn’t, and all the factors you need to consider when leading a team or a team member through a crisis. Leading with empathy can be tough, but when done correctly, you will see improvements in productivity, job satisfaction, and the overall wellness of your team members.

Leading with empathy is the best way to lay a foundation on which to build a high-performing team. This kind of leadership requires courage, accountability, and the willingness to engage in honest communication with your employees, no matter what the topic or the emotions surrounding it.


The Eighth Mile Consulting

Length of Video:

68 minutes

Video Highlights:

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 1:33 – Context is Everything
  • 3:11 – Empathy vs Sympathy Spectrum
  • 5:05 – The Danger of Pitying People
  • 6:53 – Pity is Self-Preservation
  • 7:25 – Empathy Requires Humility and Being Honest With Yourself
  • 8:21 – Leading with Empathy Business Benefits 
  • 12:33 – Leading with Empathy Helps You Make Decisions Without Fear of Ridicule
  • 14:27 – Find the Real Cause of The Problem
  • 15:33 – Consider the Emotional Factors Your Employees Face Every Day
  • 20:30 – Leading with Empathy Requires the Extreme Courage to “Open Pandora’s Box”
  • 22:18 – Knowing What Triggers Your Employees’ Emotions
  • 28:07 – Understanding Personality Types 
  • 30:24 – Emotional Triggers as a Rube Goldberg Machine
  • 31:45 – Identifying and Addressing Signs of Struggle in Your Team
  • 37:05 – How to Approach a Potentially Stressed Team Member
  • 38:10 – Leading With Empathy Requires Listening
  • 38:41 – Traps: What Leading with Empathy Is and Isn’t
  • 44:06 – “It’ll Be Alright” is Not Alright
  • 46:04 – Empathizing with Your Enemy: Robert McNamara and The Fog of War
  • 49:39 – How to Have the Difficult Conversations That Lead to Solutions
  • 56:28 – Using Language to Build Up vs. Breaking Down
  • 57:38 – Wrap-Up
  • 59:11 – Q&A

Great leaders have the moral courage to open Pandora’s box and the empathy to navigate the emotional complexities that are discovered.

Can you tell the difference between empathy and sympathy? Take our quiz to find out.

Company Overview:

Eighth Mile Consulting is a leadership training and consulting agency focused on creating and supporting better leaders in all industries. Leaders looking to develop their empathy to become more impactful and influential with their teams can find out more about our professional executive coaching services here

Client behavior can seem like a mystery. This is because purchases are made on emotion first and rationalized later. With this in mind, how can you approach marketing strategy development to position your brand and message in a way that stands out from the rest?

Marketing strategy development is fundamental to creating and running a successful campaign for your organization. What are the values you stand for? What is it that your audience really wants to hear?

In this seminar, Dan Rowell shares his expert insight for those feeling a little lost in the marketing space. By encouraging you to think about your constraints, delivery methods, and evaluation processes, as well as introducing the AIDA model of building content (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), viewers will walk away with some new approaches to infuse their marketing strategy development with creativity and purpose.


Dan Rowell (DSR Branding

Length of Video

60 Minutes

Marketing Strategy Development Video Highlights

0:00 – Introductions

1:24 – Desired Seminar Outcomes 

2:32 – Making Your Message Stand Out In The Noise

6:00 – How To Be Memorable and Unique

9:45 – Putting Yourself on the Same Level With Your Customers

12:57 – How to Strategize and Manage Your Resources

18:05 – Simplifying and Clarifying Your Marketing Message

19:40 – Defining the Problem You’re Solving

22:09 – Creating An Emotional Response

27:55 – Habits and Rituals to Tap Into Creativity

45:05 – Closing Points: What Is the Biggest Challenge and Greatest Opportunity for Businesses Right Now?

49:56 – Q&A and Wrap-Up

Company Overview

Eighth Mile Consulting is a leadership training and consulting agency focused on creating and supporting better leaders in all industries. If you are seeking to develop yourself professionally, we have created an online leadership course to help revitalize your marketing strategy development and communication plan

For more helpful videos to help you grow your people and your organization, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

There is a difference between positive stress and toxic stress. Problem-solving and coping skills are examples of positive stress we can exercise for our benefit. However, long-term exposure to stress can have significant impacts on our health. In this presentation, Samantha Pickering moderates a discussion with Peter Keith on the science behind resilience in the workplace. He begins by decoding the four main chemicals that affect behavior and mood, which have an enormous impact on our workplace resilience. He continues to examine the subconscious speech patterns that are limiting our own experience, as well as the five areas that can serve as a source of resilience and strength when applied correctly.

By the end of the video, viewers should be able to make simple but positive changes as a precursor to leading their teams through times of uncertainty and managing ambiguity with decisiveness and clarity. 


Peter Keith
Samantha Pickering

Length of Video

60 minutes

The Science of Workplace Resilence: Video Highlights

0:00 – Introductions

1:45 – Who Should Watch This Video

3:02 – What is Resilience?

4:07 – The Four Chemicals That Affect Behaviors and Mood (Using Language to Access the Positive Chemicals and Limit the Negative Ones)

10:00 – Self-Talk and The Subconscious Voice

14:45 – Resilience Reflective Questions

18:20 – “SAVES” Workplace Resilience Checks: Social Connections, Attitude, Values, Emotional Acceptance, Sense of Humor

39:42 – Examples of Resilience

46:38 – How the Subjectivity of Experience Affects Resiliency

49:18 – Choosing To Be a Victim or a Survivor

56:55 – Storytime: “All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten”

Company Overview

Eighth Mile Consulting is a leadership training and consulting agency focused on creating and supporting better leaders in all industries. If you are seeking to develop yourself professionally, we have created an online leadership course to help you become better, more resilient leaders for your team.

For more helpful videos to help you grow your people and your organization, subscribe to our YouTube channel.