Entries by Jonathan Clark


Invest in your teams, it will save you

Have you ever completed an obstacle course… On your own? Picture this, you have just scraped your knees crawling through a tunnel, mud all over you and heavy with water. Your feet are blistered, sweat is stinging your eyes. You hear your heartbeat in your ears and the sharp panting of breath. You are fatigued and in survival […]

Our No BS Review of The Eighth Mile Consulting – 6 Months in

We have decided to honestly document some of our lessons collected over the first six months of operation. We hope it helps people.   We have tried to gear our efforts towards expectation managing others who may be considering the challenge. In doing so, we will be brutally honest with ourselves and you. It’s the ‘Eighth Mile’ way.  The Background  The Eighth Mile Consulting officially […]