Entries by Don Baker


Building Resilience as a Leader

Resilience is a vital attribute that allows leaders to overcome setbacks and adversity. It goes beyond simply enduring hardships; it involves the capacity to adapt, grow, and thrive in the face of challenges. Resilience is not an inherent quality that some individuals possess and others lack; it is a skill that can be developed and […]


How Leaders Behave

This is the fourth of a four-part series on the role of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior in leadership.  If you are already asking yourself “how do I change my behavior,” then you have already decided your behavior needs to change. For some behaviors, that is obvious. If you’re late all the time, for example, […]


How Attitude Affects Leadership

This is the third of a four-part series on the role of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior in leadership.  Let’s say you believe that keeping your teams motivated requires inspiring a positive attitude. Why do you believe that? “It’s obvious–because motivated teams perform better,” you might answer. But what about your motivation and attitude? Shouldn’t […]


The Role of Beliefs in Leadership

This is the second of a four-part series on the role of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior in leadership.  The role of beliefs in leadership is pervasive. Operationally, few jobs can survive the lack of a base theory or system, especially if you don’t make detailed plans. Ethically, few teams can survive a purely mission-oriented […]


How to Define Your Values as a Leader

This is the first in a four-part series about the role values, beliefs, attitudes and behavior in leadership. Your values are your individual principles motivating your sense of right and wrong. They serve as your guide for judging behavior, whether your own or those you interact with. The starting point for what your values are […]