Entries by David Neal


Lost in the White Noise – What’s the thing?

How Stress Turns Into Self-Protection The best leaders and project managers I have seen are those that can differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information quickly, so time is not wasted unnecessarily. It is those individuals, whom through their line of questioning, determine from another person – ‘what is the thing you want?’. Do not confuse what […]


What Do You Know? Facts vs Assumptions

My father is one of the most intelligent people I know, blessed with a highly analytical brain, and an ability to simplify the complex. He once challenged a younger version of myself, when I was massively overthinking about an issue. During one of my lengthy rants he stopped me abruptly and asked, “what is it […]


Are you a STAR Challenger? Or a STAR Performer?

“I always likened the STAR method to that of a quick SMEAC. It was much easier as the interviewer when the interviewee presented their thoughts in a logical manner, not only because I had to write them down but also it’s easier to digest.“ Rob, Recruiter, ex-military “Hard to break the barrier sometimes not through […]