Entries by David Neal


Where Did All The Jesters Go? The Role of Comedy in the Workplace

Team building, motivation, workplace culture, and telling uncomfortable truths are the benefits of well-crafted workplace comedy. The manager who understands it builds resilient teams with confidence in their leader. The manager who doesn’t will be resented as a scold and — worse — leave teams brittle and unable to endure challenges. Workplace comedy invariably offends […]


How NOT To Collect Data For Business

In 1939 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer released The Wizard of Oz. Towards the end of the film the protagonists finally arrive at their desired location, in order to meet the great Wizard of Oz. Confronted with the ominous presence of the great wizard, Toto the tiny dog casually makes his way over to a concealed curtain in the corner. Next, he slowly pulls aside the curtain, revealing an old erratic man frantically pulling levers, and twisting dials whilst yelling into a microphone. And thus, the Great Wizard of Oz was revealed in his true form, warts and all.

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Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far? Honesty and Respect in Workplace Communication

An article which discusses the complexities associated with political correctness and a way forward. Many of the people that have arrived at this article have already entered this environment postured for war. Please lower your shields and spears, I come in peace. This article discusses the damages associated with polarisation, assumptions and bias, in a topic that divides societies across the world.

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Boundaries – ‘Rules Of The Game’ 

There is a common misconception that boundaries are only used by manipulators as a mechanism of coercive control.  In reality, they are the tool by which we protect our interpersonal relationships, teams, and projects.  I have heard many definitions of culture over the years.  The most pragmatic definition I have stumbled across is,   Our culture […]

Accountability Is Disappearing From The Workplace. How Can You Improve?

When I was a young boy I made a monumental mistake…Who would have thought that hundreds of flaming matches in combination with a dry and arid Australian bushland would be a combination for a disaster? It didn’t take long before we realised we had started a small bush fire off to our flanks. We all snapped into gear taking off our shirts and trying to put out the small fire which by this time was beginning to spread. Then I thought to myself if Mum knew what I was doing with my T-Shirt right now, worse than killing me, she’d be disappointed!