Exploring the Shadow Self: How It Relates to Leadership

What is the concept of a shadow self? As leaders, we are often focused on our strengths and our best qualities. We strive to lead by example, be decisive, and inspire those around us. But what about the parts of ourselves that we may not be so proud of? The parts of ourselves that we may try to hide or ignore? These are our shadow selves, and they play a significant role in our leadership.

What Is the Shadow Self?

The concept of the shadow self was first introduced by Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung. According to Jung, our shadow self is the part of ourselves that we repress or deny. This concept consists of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that we consider unacceptable or shameful. Our shadow selves can include things like anger, envy, greed, and other traits that we don’t want to acknowledge.

The shadow self is not necessarily negative or bad; it’s simply the parts of ourselves that we have pushed into the darkness. The problem arises when we refuse to acknowledge our shadow selves, as they can then have power over us. When we deny parts of ourselves, they can manifest in destructive ways, affecting our relationships and leadership.

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How Does the Shadow Self Relate to Leadership?

As leaders, we are often held to high standards. We are expected to be strong, confident, and in control. However, if we are not aware of our shadow selves, these traits can become a façade that we use to hide our insecurities and weaknesses. If we deny our vulnerabilities, we may become more rigid, authoritarian, and disconnected from our teams.

On the other hand, leaders who embrace their shadow selves can become more self-aware, compassionate, and effective. When we acknowledge our fears and weaknesses, we become more authentic, relatable, and approachable. We are better able to connect with our teams and build trust, which ultimately leads to better outcomes.

Tips for Exploring Your Shadow Self

Exploring our shadow selves can be a difficult and uncomfortable process. However, it is an essential part of becoming a better leader. Here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Identify your triggers. Pay attention to the situations or people that trigger negative emotions in you. These triggers can be a clue to the parts of yourself that you are repressing.
  2. Practice self-reflection. Set aside time each day to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Journaling can be an effective way to explore your shadow self.
  3. Seek feedback. Ask trusted colleagues or friends for feedback on your leadership style. When you do this, be open to constructive criticism, even if it’s difficult to hear.
  4. Be patient and compassionate. Exploring your shadow self can be a lifelong process. Be patient with yourself and practice self-compassion along the way.
  5. Consider seeking professional help. If you are struggling to explore your shadow self on your own, consider working with a therapist or coach who can provide guidance and support.

Conclusion – What is the Shadow Self?

Exploring our shadow selves can be a challenging process, but it is essential for becoming a more effective and authentic leader. By acknowledging our vulnerabilities and weaknesses, we become more relatable, compassionate, and trustworthy. When we embrace our shadow selves, we can create a more inclusive and empowering leadership style that benefits both ourselves and our teams. Remember, it is a lifelong journey, so be patient, and compassionate, and don’t be afraid to seek help when needed.

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Evan is a Director of Eighth Mile Consulting, specialising in leadership, operational planning, company structures, change management and communications. Evan has 17 years of leadership experience across military combat operations, program and project management delivery at Ernst & Young (EY) and business acquisitions and leadership for Private Equity.

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